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Senin, 22 November 2010

CFosSpeed 6.04 + Trial Reset - Koneksi Jadi Cepat Dan Stabil

Senin, 22 November 2010


CFosSpeed 6.04 adalah Software yang popular, Berfungsi Untuk memperCepat Koneksi Internet Yang lemot. Software ini juga dapat Memperbaiki PING yang Tinggi saat Bermain Game online.

yang Biasa Di Sebut Latency FIX
Kebanyakan Operator Di indonesia memiliki Latency/Ping yang Buruk (NO OFFENSE), Sehingga Untuk bermain Game online agak Sulit, dan Sering Keluar Dari Game karena Latency Terlalu besar.
Software ini dapat Mengatasinya .
Saya sudah Coba, pada saat Bermain Point Blank Saya Sering DC/Keluar Dari Game Secara Tiba-Tiba. lalu Saya Mencoba Software ini, Nah pengaruh Cukup Signifikan, ping saya Yang Tadinya 250 - 300 ms Menjadi 80-120 ms Dan Dapat Bermain Game online Dengan Lancar JAYA!!

Cara Menginstall Software ini Cukup Mudah, Baca Secara Seksama :

- Install Software ini, Seperti Biasa
- Jalankan Trial Reset
- Klik RESET
- Anda akan mendapa Trial Dari Software ini, Dan Bila Sudah Habis Anda Bisa Mengaktifkan Software ini Untuk mendapatkan Trial Secara Gratis Dan, Tanpa RIBET

info bahasa inggris :

cFosSpeed is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connections. It then optimizes data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping. Traffic Shaping is a method for optimizing the Internet traffic. It allows maximum speed while ensuring minimal Ping. You can use cFosSpeed with a router and/or a DSL-modem or cable-modem. You can also use cFosSpeed with other types of Internet access, ie. whenever you already have an existing Internet connection. cFosSpeed supports a wide variety of connections, like DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, WIMAX etc.

Installation Guide:
Unzip the File Basically
1- Install Application cFosSpeed [x32 or x64]
2. Open The Trial Reset Box
3. Click Automated/Manual it ll Reset For Another 30Days When You Start The System
4. Enjoy Now Seed After Download And Leave Feedback

cFosSpeed increases your throughput and reduces your Ping.
Whenever you access the Internet with more than one data stream cFosSpeed can optimize the traffic.
* Improve your Ping for online games
* Keep your internet fast during heavy upload/download
* NEW: Improve mobile Internet
* Reduce audio/video streaming problems
* Improve VoIP speech quality
# cFosSpeed prevents one application (e.g. sending email) from choking all others, like telephone calls, chat, etc.
# cFosSpeed keeps your ping times low, so you can play online games and download files simultaneously.
# All important data packets are automatically prioritized over unimportant ones. With the cFosSpeed program and protocol prioritization you can configure your applications ideally and/or add new Programs.
# Real-time analysis of your data: With the new status window you can easily recognize which data streams you are currently transfering.
# cFosSpeed runs with DSL, Cable, WLAN, CDMA2000, UMTS, WCDMA, Modem, ISDN, broadband mobile (2G / 3G).


* Broadband: Cable and DSL
* Narrow band: Modem and ISDN
* Media:
o DSL, PPPoA (Vcmux and LLC)
o Cable
o IP over AAL
o RFC1483/2684 bridged

* Router and dial-up connections
* LAN and WLAN
* Router and Bridge-Mode
* Multiple connections simultaneously
* Adjustable routes
* Several IP adresses per adapter

Traffic Shaping
* Multi-User version
* TX and RX-Shaping
* L7 Protocol Analysis
* Prioritization of Programs
* RTP/VoIP Detection
* 5 priority queues
* Individual rules with filter language

* Low-Latency Mode
* Auto-MTU optimization

* Online Budgets
* Usage Graph
* Overview of connections
* Skins
* Firewall
* Data and packet logging
* 32-Bit and 64-Bit version
* 12+ languages

System Requirement:
Windows 7 , XP , 2000
Supports x32 aswell as x64

Search Engine :
How To Speed up Connection Broadband, How To speed up Connection from Software, How To Make Stable Latency/Ping, Cara Mempercepat Koneksi, Membuat Koneksi Jadi Stabil, Menurunkan PING untuk bermain Game Online, Memperlancar Bermain Game online, Cara Bermain Game Online Dari koneksi Naik Turun, Mendapatkan PING yang bagus Pada koneksi, Mempercepat Koneksi IM2 Untuk Game online, Mempercepat Koneksi Three unlimited untuk Bemain Game Online, Bermain Game Online Dengan PING rendah, mendapatkan Ping Hijau 5 Bar Di Point Blank, Mempercepat Koneksi SPEEDY, Agar koneksi Tidak Putus Nyambung

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