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Minggu, 28 November 2010

DeskSpace 1.5 - Membuat Desktop Anda Tidak sempit

Minggu, 28 November 2010

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DeskSpace Dari Gambar yang ada, pasti kalian sudah tahu apa fungsi software ini.

Bagi yang masih belum tahu, saya akan beritahu.
Software ini Berfungsi untuk membagi Dekstop kita menjadi 4-6 bagian, Software ini mempermudah kita agar monitor kita tidak terlalu penuh dengan program yang kita buka, jadi lebih tertata.

harga software ini sekitar $25(Bisa Di lihat Di Websitenya langsung http://www.otakusoftware.com/deskspace/), sangat mahal bagi saya. dan saya akan Share software Premium ini secara gratis tanpa TRIAL. Crack dan serial number Sudah ada di dalamnya. Tinggal pakai.

Simak info lengkapnya dulu :

DeskSpace significantly increases your desktop space, allowing you to work and play on multiple desktops. With DeskSpace you can work with multiple desktops in 3D, and quickly switch between desktops using the mouse and keyboard.

DeskSpace dramatically enhances your desktop experience, allowing you to:
* Work and play on multiple desktops.
* Display multiple desktops in stunning 3D.
* Quickly switch between desktops using the mouse and keyboard.
* Drag windows between desktops by moving them to the sides of the screen.
* Display desktops in 3D on multiple monitors.
* Configure the hot keys and mouse buttons used to switch between desktops, and how DeskSpace displays and manages desktop.
* Use DeskSpace in multiple languages.

Get Organized
DeskSpace gives you more space for your windows and icons. You can eliminate desktop clutter by arranging your windows and icons across up to six desktops, all easily reachable by navigating a desktop cube.

Get Customized
DeskSpace lets you have different desktop wallpapers and icons on each desktop. You can also choose a name and picture for each desktop, to make them easier to recognize.

Get Productive
DeskSpace gives you separate desktops for each of your day-to-day tasks, and lets you to quickly and easily switch between desktops and the applications on them.

Get Compatible
DeskSpace runs on low-end netbooks, high-end desktops, and everything in-between. You can run DeskSpa
ce on up to nine monitors, and it works on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.

Free Download DeskSpace With Keygen/Serial and Crack Full Version

Link Download menggunakan ADF.Ly, Tunggu Beberapa Detik, Lalu Klik SKIP AD pada Pojok Kanan Atas Layar

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