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Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate For Slow PC - Rasakan sensasi Nya

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

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Bagi Anda Ingin merasakan Windows 7 Di Dalam Slow PC anda, Tidak Perlu khawatir Lagi Karena sekarang Telah Muncul Windows 7 Ultimate Micro, yaitu Sistem operasi Windows 7 yang Telah Di mutakhirkan sehingga bisa Di Install Dengan baik Di Komputer Lambat/low end Computer.

Dan Tenang Saja Semua Fitur Di Windows 7 Tetap Bisa Di Gunakan, Dan Semua Software Bisa Di install dengan Baik. ini adalah Windows 7 Ultimate Yang Paling Sempurna.
Dan juga Jika Download Dari Blog ini.
Windows yang Saya Share ini Sudah Activated Alias Sudah Aktif. Tinggal Install dan Gunakan

Ini Info Lengkapnya :

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x86 Micro Edition Activated works with 128MB of RAM

Windows 7 is available in six different editions, but only Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate are widely available at retail. The other editions are focused at other markets, such as the developing world or enterprise use. Each edition of Windows 7 includes all of the capabilities and features of the edition below it. All editions support the 32-bit (IA-32) processor architecture and all editions except Starter support the 64-bit (x86-64) processor architecture (64-bit installation media is not included in Home Basic edition, but can be obtained from Microsoft).

This Windows 7 includes:

* Internet Explorer 8
* Gadget for Windows 7
* Windows media player and its codecs
* Windows Firewall
* Parental Control
* Driver brings normal
* The installation is only 1.57 GB (excluding paging and hibernate files)
* Image Viewer works correctly
* Increased compatibility with programs and games (eg Office 2010 beta works)

This version does not include:
* Drivers (printers, scanners, sound, fax)
* Screen Savers
* Wallpapers
* Windows Media Center
* Windows DVD maker
* Tablet PC
* Voice Support
* backup files
* unnecessary Packages

Minimum Requirements:
CPU: Intel Pentium 3 1.8 GHz
Hard Disk Space: 2GB

Recommended Requirements:
CPU: 2.4 GHz
RAM: 256 MB
Space Hard Disk: 2GB

Ukuran File Sangat Besar : Hingga 700 mb, Gunakan Internet Download Manager Untuk mendownloadnya

Hasil Download Terjamin

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2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Bang Luthfi kok mau di download "File does not exist"

Anonim mengatakan...

Gan...link nya udah di hapus...
Bisa di upload lg gak ???
Soal nya lg butuh bnget nih...!!!


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