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Senin, 14 September 2009

DirectX 9c Final Light 08.2009 with MDX

Senin, 14 September 2009


These libraries allow you to increase the compatibility of new games and programs. And as correcting mistakes with the launch of games requiring files with DirectX 10.1 and 11 bibleotek This kit allows you to run the game mode as the program (with a video card that does not support DX10.1 and 11) and hardware (video card that supports DX10.1 and 11 ) emulate DirectX.

* Low level support of hardware and operating system
* Improved multithreaded
* New stages of image processing hardware for tessellation
* Improved texture compression
* Shader Model 5.0
* Computational Shaders (Compute shader)
* New

P.S. Applications that do not go before, go. The application has been collected since the small size of most necessary and new updates.

Size: 12.18 Mb



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